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Marna ma iloobi doono hadadaldii ay hoyadey mcn i oran jirtay!

 3 Jan 2020 Habeen Jimca ah ayeey aheyd markey hoyadey geeriyoneysay waxana ka so wareegtay 2sano iyo bar ilaa hadana Malin waliba waan u xissa wana tabaa, waana u duceeya mar waliba, runtii aad ey u xuun badantahy markeysan hooyada garabkga aysan jogin, waxey aheyd shaqsiga kaliya ee marki niyad jab dareemo aad ii dhiirgaliyaga, waxaey aheyd shaqsiga kaliya markii ilmeynyo ilinta ika tira mac isiiya hadana isasaba, marwalbana waa qof kaliya waxaa aan u bahanahy inta aan oran isiiya, waxay aheyd hadiii aan qaldanahy qofka isaxa ee iwaniya wadada toosana igu haga. Marna Ma ilawi karo hadalidii ay idhi jirtay wana kuwa ila maanta marki dib u xasuuta ii dhiira galinya ilaa heer aan nafteyda ku irahada dadaalkii iyo tacbkii hoyada marna ha qasaaran, waxaan kamid ahaa hadaalada aan marnba qalbikey ka go'an "Hooyo wax ii baro Dabkaas ama jikada iyo kuleelkeda ana galayo oo waxa aad rabto ana fadhigaaga kuku keenyo kaliya wax ii baro koob siijedana ha ii soojedin" hadalka

Personal reflection on what I benefit from blogging webinar

 last night I was part of a webinar on how to make Personal Blog organized by IITE institute, it was joy for me and benefited from so many things that I didn't know before, I learned a lot of different things about the Webinar Blog and I gained more experience from it, I achieved my goal yes, part of my dream has come true and now I can confidently say I'm blogger. it is easy for me to make a blog by following the instructions given by the mentor, and was taught how to write a blog post  and that essay writing consists of three elements: Introduction Body  Conclusion In the first part, presented by mentor Mohamed Okash, learned a few different topics and talked about the basics of blogging, and if you took a picture of someone you must give them their rights, the source and so on. In the second part, learned how to make blogs and how to create blogging using websites like WordPress and Blogger , how to write a post, how to upload pictures, how to edit the whole text, and how t

Daughter like her Mother

 Who is the person behind me? who inspires me? Who made me tough girl? Maybe you may ask these questions in your mind when you meet me...! Hawa Ahmed Omar is my mother and she was the person behind who I am today, I love her very much coz she learned to be polite, disciplined, respectful and confident, yes I'm the luckiest girl in the world because she was my Mother!, she was business woman, talented woman, smart woman, confident woman and she was the person behind who I am today. I was her first child and she loved me all over the world, she took care of me, everything I liked before I said it was given to me and she was the only person who understood  me without talking, she trusted me too much and she said, "Where I'm If Zeitun is here, I have nothing to fear or worry about." That statement really affected me, and today she passed away on us, she was on my soul!. After her death I despaired of life and thought I would never ever be succeed person, but I realized th

First Blog Post: A Self Introduction

Welcome to my blog. Here I will talk about my experiences and life. This is my personal diary. Come along and join me on my journey as I set out to find myself. This is talking to my daily life History Maybe you’re looking for some connections and people with shared interests? I’d love to make a little self-introduction here since it’s my very first blog post here in my blog. Come get to know a little about me as I wrote a brief self-introduction here for you and I always love to be friends with amazing people like you! Hello there! I am pleased that you’d like to know a little about me as you continue reading my self-introduction My name is Zeitun Abdi Osman, I was born and grew up in Mogadishu and I graduated to my study at the University of Somalia (Uniso) at faculty of Business Information Technology (BIT). I have so many aspirations in life and to be a writer is one of them.. Yes, I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to have a purpose, to share what I learned, to help, to be heard, t